
Establishing a Sonship Mindset Podcast

Tandy Cowles, Foundational Truths for a Life of Freedom

This podcast establishes a framework for understanding our position in sonship and contrasts the sonship mindset with the slave, victim, and orphan mindsets.

Sonship Mindset Study Guide (pdf)

Cycle of Overcoming Podcast

Tandy Cowles, Foundational Truths for a Life of Freedom

This podcast establishes a framework for understanding the cycle of overcoming versus the cycle of defeat.

Cycle of Overcoming Study Guide (pdf)

Blessing Your Spirit

Arthur Burk, Sapphire Leadership Group
These audio recorded blessings are designed to legitimize your spirit and to speak to your spirit about the heart of the Father for you.

Blessing Your Spirit, Precious Daughter

Blessing Your Spirit, Beloved Son

Blessing Your Spirit, Friend

Spiritual Warfare Basics

Linda Sloan, The Transformation Group

This downloadable video is first of several teachings on the basics of spiritual warfare & rising up into your authority in Christ. Linda's biblically grounded teaching paired with her authentic joy and passion will help establish and refresh the foundations of your understanding of living life in covenant with God as you pursue your kingdom assignment in this season.

Setting the Captives Free (video)

Canopy of Protection Prayer

Adapted from Kay Tolman, Restoration Gateway Ministries

Use this prayer to establish and maintain spiritual protection over your home, apartment, office, and/or business.

Canopy of Protection Prayer (pdf)

The Divine Exchange

Derek Prince

The following is a transcript of a series preached by Derek Prince, entitled "The Fullness of the Cross". His teaching explores the deep spiritual exchanges that occurred in Jesus on the cross.  Jesus was punished that we might be forgiven; He was wounded that we might be healed; and he bore our shame that we might share his glory. These are a few of the exchanges that are unpacked in this teaching.

The Divine Exchange (pdf)