רוּחַ rûaḥ: breath, wind, human spirit, Spirit of God

God’s Fullness of Life,
for You.

Life coaching is a transformational process, where we partner together with God to pursue His heart for you, to seek His best for your life, so that His Ruach Breath of Life flows in and through you, unhindered. For His glory, and your benefit.


  • Establishing a Sonship Mindset

    Tandy Cowles

    This podcast establishes a framework for understanding our position in sonship and contrasts the sonship mindset with the slave, victim, and orphan mindsets.

  • Cycle of Overcoming Versus Defeat

    Tandy Cowles

    In this Foundational Truths for a Life of Freedom podcast, Tandy explores the dynamics involved when we engage in the cycle of overcoming and contrasts that to the dynamics of the cycle of defeat.

  • Blessing Your Spirit

    Arthur Burk

    These audio recorded blessings are designed to legitimize your spirit and to speak to your spirit about the heart of the Father for you.

“He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, 
to proclaim liberty to the captive..."

-Isaiah 61